Professional assistance in critical areas of your business

The term restructuring should not just be associated with emergencies such as cash flow problems leading to bankruptcy of a company. Crisis situations such as these should initiate recovery proceedings whose main, albeit – short-term, goal is restoring an acceptable current ratio and ensuring the continued operation of a company.

However, it is worth emphasizing that well-performing companies decide to take restructuring measures in order to improve results considered as less than satisfactory by owners and top managers.

A restructured company is:

  • better organized
  • more efficient
  • focused on its core business, as defined in the company’s strategy

Augeo Ventures offers the following restructuring services:

The aim of our restructuring services is to increase the value of the business in the long run, while being mindful of short-term expectations, challenges, and requirements.

Augeo Ventures applies a comprehensive method to company restructuring. We support our Clients in crisis situations (corrective restructuring) as well as in the building of a long-term value (development restructuring).

Learn more how Augeo Ventures can help you increase the value of your business and solve current problems.