private equity & venture capital

Attract investment partner and growth capital for your company

Private equity funds

Venture capital funds


Attract financial partner to your business

What are private equity funds:

A private equity fund is a financial institutional investor that seeks to employ capital in mature businesses, which possess an attractive portfolio of products or services, face the prospect of dynamic growth acceleration, and require extra funding to meet this goal.

Following the purchase of shares in the company, private equity funds are typically involved, for a couple of years, in developing high level business strategy and monitoring results, but rarely in the management of the company. Their main goal is to maximize returns from businesses they invest in.

The final stage of the private equity funds’ engagement is the divestment by the fund, commonly known as “exit”. The most common ways are:

  • sale to an industry investor
  • sale to the managers (Management Buy-Out)
  • initial public offering on a stock exchange
  • resale to initial owners of the business

By attracting private equity funds as investors, business owners may benefit from the:

  1. Possibility of raising additional capital for growth or acquisitions.
  2. Possibility of gradually selling the entire business.
  3. Access to best practice management and business development methods.
  4. Expert knowledge of fund managers, usually specialized in specific market segments.
  5. Funds’ extensive contacts with related companies, banks, advisory firms and regulatory authorities.

Private equity funds in Poland:

Polish private equity sector is strong, diverse, and rapidly developing. Significant global players, European, and domestic funds focusing on the Polish market are active and look for investment opportunities across many industry sectors.


Raise capital to accelerate your business growth

If your company is currently:

  • seeking capital to finance a growth strategy
  • present in an innovative industry
  • a market leader that demonstrates a competitive advantage over their peer group

and the market you are targeting has the potential to multiply its size, enabling your company to significantly increase the scale of its operations,


you may consider approaching a venture capital fund in search for sources of financing.

Venture capital is aimed for medium and long term investments. Investments of this type are typically related to modern companies in their early stages of development, which operate in growing industries such as IT, renewable energy sources (RES), biotechnology, ICT, e-commerce, healthcare.

Venture capital investment:

Following the purchase of shares in the company, VC funds start the implementation of a precisely planned growth strategy. Funds’ representatives are not directly involved in management of the company, but closely monitor the execution of strategy, for example, through their representatives on supervisory boards of portfolio companies.

The final step in this investment process is the sale of shares in a company by the VC fund, usually to an industry investor or via IPO. The usual holding period in this type of investment is between 3 and 5 years.

Characteristics of venture capital investors:

  • high required rate of return on investment
  • preference of investments in early stages of development of high-tech sectors
  • implementation of aggressive growth strategy and accelerated growth of a portfolio company in the holding period

By attracting venture capital funds as investors, business owners may benefit from the:

  1. Access to best management practice and development strategy building.
  2. Expert knowledge of fund managers, usually specialized in specific market segments.
  3. Extensive international experience to consistently implement the strategy of dynamic development.
  4. Funds’ extensive contacts among related companies, banks, advisory firms and regulatory bodies.

Learn more about opportunities of financing your company growth through venture capital funds!